Friday, June 14, 2013

Fine Motor Leads to Fine Arts Friday

It's Friday!!! 
Does that mean the same thing to you in the summer, as it does during the school year? 

I saw this idea on my recent travels and thought it might be a helpful DIY resource idea-inspiration. 

Piece of wood. 
Some sort of epoxy glue for the lids. 


{No. This is NOT my idea. This is not my invention.} 
Can't tell you any more than the pictures show. 
Use your noggins and come up with a plan on your own. 

What a great way to teach one-to-one correspondence for your little ones. 
Keep markers organized! 
Keep lids on markers!!

Here's the "TAG" for all 52, of my Fine Motor Friday articles. 
(This one is certainly the shortest of all time: LOL!) 

And here's the wrap up link when I hit FIFTY articles! 
It has a week-by-week overview and ALL of the individual links. 

photo of: 50 Editions of Fine Motor Meets Fine Arts at RainbowsWithinReach

Hope that you have a great weekend! 
We have some super fun plans on the horizon, how about you? 

-- Debbie -- 

Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!

Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!
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